El Espíritu Santo: de la divinidad a la procesión. El desarrollo pneumatológico en los escritos dogmáticos de los tres grandes capadocios

  1. Miguel Brugarolas Brufau
Cuadernos doctorales: Teología

ISSN: 0214-6827

Year of publication: 2011

Issue: 58

Pages: 67-155

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos doctorales: Teología


Divinity, procession, and theology of the Holy Spirit: the progress of pneumatological deepening through Basil, Gregory Nazianzen and Gregory of Nyssa as path to the distinction of the Trinity in the Unity of God, and background of the First Council of Constantinople teaching on the Holy Spirit. This Ph.D. Thesis seeks to contribute to the understanding of the procession of the Holy Spirit through a critical analysis of the teachings of the Great Cappadocian Fathers, which show the coherence on the development of his pneumatology. For as long as the personal and exclusive relationship of the Holy Spirit with the Father and the Son is not correctly elucidated his divine nature is insufficiently sustained. The discovery of the Holy Spirit personal «ἰδιότης» (property) is a result of the theological deepening of the Cappadocians. With Basil the Trinitarian theology, in continuity with Athanasius, acquire his essential concepts by the clear distinction between οὐσία and ὑπόστασις. Basil begins with a clear and prudent affirmation of the divinity of the Spirit. Gregory Nazianzen continues this effort, affirming more explicitly the divinity of the Spirit and the unity of the Trinity. Moreover, he goes deeper into the understanding of the origin of the Holy Spirit in the Father by distinguishing «procession» from «generation». Gregory of Nyssa seals the pneumatology of the 4th century by harmonically presenting the personal distinction in God and the bonds that exist between the divine Persons, not only by their common nature but also by their close interpersonal communion.

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