Fracturas del cuello quirúrgico del húmero (B2-B3). Tratamiento quirúrgico.

  1. Arenas Planelles, Antonio
  2. D'Arrigo, A.
  3. Arenas Miquélez, Antonio
  4. Garbayo Marturet, Antonio Jesús
Revista española de cirugía osteoarticular

ISSN: 0304-5056

Argitalpen urtea: 2013

Alea: 48

Zenbakia: 253

Orrialdeak: 9-21

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista española de cirugía osteoarticular


36 cases of B2-B3 type fracture of the proximal humerus are presented. They were treated surgically by reduction and internal fixation with a proximal humeral nail (4 cases), a locking plate (29 cases); or using a shoulder hemi-arthroplasty (3 cases). The results were satisfactory at most of the patients concerning the residual pain (mean Constant-Murley pain score: 11,97/15), the strength (mean Constant-Murley strength score: 13,42/25) and joint mobility of the shoulder (mean Constant-Murley mobility score: 24,33/40). The most important complications were rotator cuff disorders (10 cases), varus consolidation of fracture (6 cases) and malunion of the tuberosities (5 cases). Proximal humerus fractures type B2 and B3 are lesions that evolve usually well, when the surgical procedure is performed correctly.