An Enhanced Petri Net Model to Verify and Validate a Neural-Symbolic Hybrid System

  1. Ricardo R. Jorge 1
  2. Gerardo R. Salgado 1
  3. Vianey G. C. Sánchez 1
  1. 1 National Centre of Investigation and Technological Development, Mexico
Software and Intelligent Sciences: New Transdisciplinary Findings

Editorial: IGI Global

ISBN: 9781466602618 9781466602625

Año de publicación: 2012

Páginas: 434-450

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0261-8.CH025 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso abierto editor


As the Neural-Symbolic Hybrid Systems (NSHS) gain acceptance, it increases the necessity to guarantee the automatic validation and verification of the knowledge contained in them. In the past, such processes were made manually. In this article, an enhanced Petri net model is presented to the detection and elimination of structural anomalies in the knowledge base of the NSHS. In addition, a reachability model is proposed to evaluate the obtained results of the system versus the expected results by the user. The validation and verification method is divided in two stages: 1) it consists of three phases: rule normalization, rule modeling and rule verification. 2) It consists of three phases: rule modeling, dynamic modeling and evaluation of results. Such method is useful to ensure that the results of a NSHS are correct. Examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the results obtained with the method.

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