Síndrome embolia grasa

  1. Laura Noguera Alonso
  2. Irene Ruiz Adelantado
  3. Lorenzo Alarcón García
  4. Clara Sáez Ibarra
Revista Sanitaria de Investigación

ISSN: 2660-7085

Ano de publicación: 2024

Volume: 5

Número: 5

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista Sanitaria de Investigación


Fat embolism syndrome (FES), much more common than fat embolism, is developed in male subjects between 20 and 40 years old, who present close long bone fractures. Clinical presentation includes respiratory distress, neurological symptoms and petechial rash 12 to 72 hours after injury. Since there is no direct and proper treatment, prevention is the goal. Besides, novel treatments altering the renin-angiotensin pathway are encouraging. In the trauma field, early stabilization of the fracture must be carried out as soon as possible, unless a group of patients who benefit from control damage and later fixation. Strategies to limit fat embolism are: slow advancement and revolutions of the reamer and RIA system. Routine steroids are not recommended as prophylaxis.

Referencias bibliográficas

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