Christian Wolff y la Ontología

  1. Garay, Ignacio 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Navarra

    Universidad de Navarra

    Pamplona, España



ISSN: 0036-4703

Argitalpen urtea: 2021

Alea: 77

Faszikulua: 249

Orrialdeak: 175-229

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Sapientia


During the XVIII century, Christian Wolff has been considered one of the main authorities in science and philosophy. His thought constituted one of the most important currents during the so-called “Age of reason”. His writings caused the popularization of rationalist thinking and turned Wolff in one of the most influential philosophers of his time. They came to call him “the German Locke” and Kant himself called him “the greatest of all dogmatic philosophers”. However, nowadays, it is generally thought that Wolff played a small role in the history of philosophy and that he has been a mere popularizer of Leibniz. Most studies barely mention him, treat him very briefly, or omit him altogether. In order to be able to assess more appropriately the figure of Wolff and his originality, this work’s main propose is to make a slightly deeper description of his life, the influence received from Leibniz, his conceptions of philosophy and, above all, of his ontology, the central work of his thought. To do this, first we will describe some of the most important milestones in Wolff’s life. Secondly, we will show some similarities and differences with Leibniz’s thought. In the third place, we will expose Wolff’s way of understanding science and philosophy. Finally, we will describe some of the fundamental ideas of his Ontology, mainly, the Wolffian formulations of the principles of contradiction and of sufficient reason, his conception of being as that what can exist and the notions of possible, impossible and existence.

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