ClonalKinetic Data and Intermediate Results of SimiC

  1. Peng, Jianhao 1
  2. Ochoa, Idoia 1
  1. 1 University of Illinois

Argitaratzaile: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Argitalpen urtea: 2021

Mota: Dataset

CC0 1.0


This dataset contains the ClonalKinetic dataset that was used in SimiC and its intermediate results for comparison. The Detail description can be found in the text file 'clonalKinetics_Example_data_description.txt' and 'ClonalKinetics_filtered.DF_data_description.txt'. The required input data for SimiC contains: 1. ClonalKinetics_filtered.clustAssign.txt =&gt; cluster assignment for each cell. 2. ClonalKinetics_filtered.DF.pickle =&gt; filtered scRNAseq matrix. 3. ClonalKinetics_filtered.TFs.pickle =&gt; list of driver genes. The results after running SimiC contains: 1. ClonalKinetics_filtered_L10.01_L20.01_Ws.pickle =&gt; inferred GRNs for each cluster 2. ClonalKinetics_filtered_L10.01_L20.01_AUCs.pickle =&gt; regulon activity scores for each cell and each driver gene. <b>NOTE:</b> “ClonalKinetics_filtered.rds” file which is mentioned in “ClonalKinetics_filtered.DF_data_description.txt” is an intermediate file and the authors have put all the processed in the pickle/txt file as described in the filtered data text.