Non-canonical ORFs are an important source of tumor-specific antigens in a liver cancer meta-cohort

  1. E. Camarena, Marta
  2. Theunissen, Patrick
  3. Ruiz Egozcue, Marta
  4. Ruiz-Orera, Jorge
  5. Calvo-Serra, Beatriz
  6. Castelo, Robert
  7. Sarobe, Pablo
  8. Fortes, Puri
  9. Perera-Bel, Júlia
  10. Alba, Mar
  11. Castro, Carla

Argitaratzaile: figshare

Argitalpen urtea: 2024

Mota: Dataset


The file contains the supplementary tables of the manuscript "Non-canonical ORFs are an important source of tumor-specific antigens in a liver cancer meta-cohort" by Camarena ME. et al. It is in Microsoft Excel format and contains all data generated throughout the analysis, as well as a list of the publicly available datasets used in the publication.The first sheet contains a README with detailed information of what is shown in each of the other 26 sheets. It occupies ~ 75Mb.