Traumatismos del aparato locomotormanejo de lesiones específicas

  1. Clara Sáez Ibarra
  2. Irene Ruiz Adelantado
  3. Lorenzo Alarcón García
  4. Laura Noguera Alonso
Revista Sanitaria de Investigación

ISSN: 2660-7085

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 5

Issue: 5

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Sanitaria de Investigación


Trauma is the main cause of death and disability in the young population. Injuries to the musculoskeletal system are common in trauma patients, although they usually do not put the patient’s life at risk. However, within the wide range of musculoskeletal injuries that we can find in a trauma patient, there are specific injuries that require specific management given their greater complexity. In this way, we must know the pathophysiology and management of injuries such as pulseless limb, pelvic fracture, femur fracture, significant hemorrhage associated with fractures, open fractures, joint dislocation, limb amputations, catastrophic limb and crush syndrome. In these cases, the functional prognosis of the limb and the patient’s life is time-dependent, so knowledge of these pathologies by healthcare personnel is essential to ensure early detection and treatment.

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