Factores pronósticos en el carcinoma de cabeza y cuello

  1. F. Arias 1
  2. E. Villafranca 2
  3. M.T. Dueñas 3
  4. R. Vera 1
  1. 1 Servicio de Oncología. Hospital de Navarra
  2. 2 Servicio de Oncología Radioterápica. Clínica Universitaria
  3. 3 Servicio de Oncología Radioterápica. Hospital General Yagüe
Anales del sistema sanitario de Navarra

ISSN: 1137-6627

Year of publication: 2001

Issue Title: Factores pronósticos en oncología

Volume: 24

Issue: 1

Pages: 73-81

Type: Article

More publications in: Anales del sistema sanitario de Navarra


Head and neck cancers include the carcinomas of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, and the less frequent tumours of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and salivary glands. There is a high incidence in our country, where they represent from 10 to 15% of all new cancers in males. In spite of the relatively good prognosis of patients with early cancer, the prognosis is much worse for advanced tumours. At present, the principal prognostic factors in cancer of the head and neck are the clinical factors (T and N), although the importance of molecular factors is increasing and they will probably be the determining factors for prognosis and treatment of these tumours in the immediate future.