The Chinese Yin-Yang Thinking in Antoni Tàpies’ Artistic Creation
Universidad de Navarra
ISSN: 2159-5836
Argitalpen urtea: 2020
Alea: 10
Zenbakia: 9
Orrialdeak: 815 - 820
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Journal of Literature and Art Studies
The writings and artistic works of Antoni Tàpies (2009; 2011) mirror the influences of the cosmic vision of the Chinese yin-yang. Signs, numbers, and creative procedures related to this correlative thought prevail in his art. Tàpies integrated different iconological codes from the ancient Chinese thinking into his art to question the existential meaning of the universe and to express his thoughts on the cultural and socio-political controversies of his time. In other words, the images, media, and techniques that he utilized for his works were extensions of his life experiences intertwined with various socio-historical facts and his personal feelings.