Notas sobre la presencia del cangrejo rojo "Procambarus clarkii" y el cangrejo señal "Pacifastacus leniusulus" en la cuenca del Ebro

  1. Oscoz, Javier
  2. Durán, C.
Estudios del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Álava

ISSN: 0214-915X

Argitalpen urtea: 2005

Alea: 20

Orrialdeak: 119-126

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Estudios del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Álava


OSCOZ, J., DURÁN, C. (2005). Observations on the presence of Red Swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) and Signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) in Ebro river basin. Est. Mas. Cienc. Nat. de Álava. 20: 119-126. The results of the captures of exotic crayfish in Ebro river Basin are presented. This data were obtained from samplings of different studies in the last years. Two crayfish species widely distributed along Ebro River Basin were identified, Red Swamp Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) and Signal Crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus). Due to the negative effect of the introduction of exotic crayfish on the native crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes), the knowledge of the distribution of exotic crayfish is very important in conservation programs, as well as some strategies to prevent a higher dispersion of exotic crayfish and to Mercase the information and public awareness on the subject.