Formación de profesores

  1. Yvonne Gavela-Ramos
  2. Silvia Aguinaga-Echeverría
The Routledge Handbook of Multiliteracies for Spanish Language Teaching

Argitaletxea: Routledge

ISBN: 9781003190615

Argitalpen urtea: 2024

Orrialdeak: 429-442

Mota: Liburuko kapitulua

DOI: 10.4324/9781003190615-34 GOOGLE SCHOLAR


This chapter addresses teacher education in Spanish as a Second Language (L2) while highlighting the crucial integration of multiliteracies within the classroom through transformative projects. Teacher education through integrated learning encompasses different dimensions of multiliteracies: interpretation, collaboration, cultural knowledge, reflection, self-reflection, and language in use. We begin with a literature review on teacher training and multiliteracies. Then, we explain how to implement a multimodal and transversal project such as digital storytelling (DST), usually less explored in the field. This project, which incorporates personal expression and creativity as learning values, allows teacher educators to document the evolution of teachers’ reflective and conceptual processes through creative, interpretive, and self-reflective activities. These activities help us identify teaching challenges faced by teachers whose understanding of language instruction can sometimes be conceptualized through a static vision of language. This simplistic vision of language, which favors teaching vocabulary and grammar as isolated forms, moves away from an integrated learning approach proposed by multiliteracies. We also include pedagogical tools and elements to ideate and share digital personal stories integrating multiliteracies as social, cultural, reflective, and collaborative learning activities.