Argitalpenak (9) Alicia Otano Unzué argitalpenak


  1. Chapter Eleven. Fueling Empathy in the Young Adult Reader: The Hunger Games

    Making sense of popular culture (Newcastle upon Tyne (UK) : Cambridge Scholars, 2017), pp. 145-156


  1. Young adult pop fiction: Empathy and the hunger games

    Visiones multidisciplinares sobre la cultura popular: actas del 5.º Congreso Internacional de SELICUP


  1. Using the short story in the English language classroom.

    Actas del V Congreso de la Asociación de Centros de Lenguas en la Enseñanza Superior


  1. The self in Motion: travel and Discourse in Life Writing

    Análisis del discurso. Lengua, cultura, valores: actas del I Congreso Internacional (Arco Libros), pp. 669-676


  1. Cauc/Asian: negotiating biraciality in asian american literature

    Actas del XXVII Congreso Internacional de AEDEAN


  1. Begin again: representing childhood in recent asian american novels

    AEDEAN. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference: (León. 16th-18th December 1999) [Electronic resource]


  1. Analyzing child perspective in Cecilia Manguerra Brainard’s when the rainbow goddess wept

    Actas del XXV Congreso AEDEAN: [recurso electrónico]

  2. Negotiating borderlands: Representing childhood in recent Asian American novels

    Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, Núm. 8, pp. 61-68

  3. Shadow of America: The Immigrant Child in Ethnic Autobiography

    Small worlds: transcultural visions of childhood (Barañaín (Navarra), EUNSA, 2001), pp. 113-122