Publikationen, an denen er mitarbeitet Pablo Serrano Basterra (5)


  1. Old wine in new skins: a video game with an epigraphic theme

    Valete vos viatores: Travelling through Latin inscriptions across the Roman Empire (Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra), pp. 63-93


  1. Virtual Epigraphy: Virtual Museums and 3D Epigraphy

    Epigraphy in the Digital age: Opportunities and Challenges in the Recording, Analysis and Dissemination of Inscriptions (Archaeopress Publishing Ltd), pp. 27-46


  1. Epigrafía 3D: posibilidades de la digitalización de inscripciones romanas en el marco de la Epigrafía Digital

    Ex Baetica Romam : homenaje a José Remesal Rodríguez (Universidad de Barcelona), pp. 975-1012