Departamento académico: (FFL) Filosofía

Centro académico: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (FFL)

Centro / Instituto de investigación de la Universidad de Navarra: Instituto Cultura y Sociedad (ICS)

Organización: Universidad de Navarra

Research group: Trabajo, cuidado y desarrollo


Personal web / Curriculum Vitae:

Doctor by the Universidad de Navarra with the thesis Secundum naturam. La naturaleza como principio de moralidad en Tomás de Aquino 1997. Supervised by Dr. Alejandro Llano Cifuentes.

Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy. Researcher of the Institute for Culture and Society, at the University of Navarra. I teach moral theory and sociology. My research is at the intersection of moral philosophy and the social sciences. I have 4 research periods (“sexenios”) recognized by the CNEAI: 1996-2001; 2003-2008; 2009-2014; 2015-2020. After completing my doctorate with a thesis on Aquinas’ moral philosophy (1997) I oriented my research in two directions: a) exploring the related areas of social and political philosophy and b) continuing the study of moral philosophy in modern authors. In a short stay in Glasgow University I started my research on David Hume. During my post-doctoral research at Harvard, as a Fulbright scholar (2002-03), I studied Kant’s practical philosophy, with Christine M. Korsgaard. This resulted in a monograph and a series of articles on Kant’s notion of culture. Back in Navarra, I launched two consecutive research projects to explore the impact of Hume and Kant in the emerging social sciences: the first was focused on practical reason and social sciences in the Scottish Enlightenment (HUM2006-07605), the second on “Moral philosophy and the social sciences” (FFI2009-09265). In 2004 I became director of the "Culture and Lifestyles" line of the Social Trends Institute, a position that allowed me to organize numerous interdisciplinary and international experts-meetings. From 2010 through 2022 I was the Principal Investigator of the interdisciplinary project "Emotional Culture and Identity", integrated in the Institute for Culture and Society, of which I was also Scientific Director between 2012 and 2019. During this period, I also was the Principal Investigator of two other competitive projects, which linked practical and social philosophy with the philosophy and sociology of emotions: “Action, emotion and identity” (FFI2012-38737-C03-01); and “Bonds, emotion and identity”(FFI2015-67388-P). In 2016 I was appointed by Pope Francis as an ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, where I have the opportunity of interdisciplinary dialogue, among others, with economists such as Stefano Zamagni, Joseph Stiglitz, Jeffrey Sachs, Dani Rodrik, or sociologists like Pierpaolo Donati or Margaret S. Archer († 2023). In January 2022 I was invited to become a member of the “The Fraternal Economy of Integral and Sustainable Development” Group, led by Jeffrey Sachs. In 2021 I become co-ip of an interdisciplinary project on the meaning of work in recent theology along with Prof. Gregorio Guitián (Unav, 82017403). In September 2022, I assume the coordination of the "Work, Care and Development" research line, which brings together scholars for different disciplines. Within this framework it was established the Cátedra Idea de Nuevas Longevidades, to promote research on the cultural and social challenges of aging societies. Throughout my career I have supervised 8 phD students, who wrote their dissertations on Aristotle, Aquinas, Hume, Kant, and Tocqueville; one Marie-Sklodowska Curie post-doctoral Fellow (see below). I am currently supervising four phD students, on Kant, Hannah Arendt, Richard Sennett, and Charles Taylor. I also have developed an intense activity as evaluator for national and international academic journals and publishers. I have been evaluator of research projects for agencies such as Fondecyt (Chile), Foncyt (Argentina). I am a member of DAAD’s Evaluators council.