Departamento académico: (FFL) Filología

Centro académico: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (FFL)

Organización: Universidad de Navarra

Grup d'investigació: Escritura autobiográfica


Web personal / Currículum Vitae:

Doctora per la Universidad de Salamanca amb la tesi La perspectiva narrativa en la obra novelistica de Nadine Gordimer 1997. Dirigida per Dr/a. Catalina Montes Mozo.

Rosalía Baena is Associate Professor of English at the University of Navarra. Her main research interests deal with narrative theory, contemporary life writing, narrative empathy, and the phenomenology of reading. Prof. Baena has worked on the topic of cultural identity in postcolonial literature and multicultural writing, and she has explored issues of Englishness and nostalgia both in colonial autobiographies as well as TV period dramas. She has published extensively on illness memoirs in journals such as Interdisciplinary Literary Studies (2013), Concentric (2016), Diegesis (2017), Medical Humanities (2017) or Frontiers of Narrative Studies (2020), Prose Studies (2021), as well as a book chapter in the Routledge Companion to Death and Literature (2021). She has participated in many research projects over the years.. Currently she is a member of the research project “Re-orienting Assemblage Theory in Anglophone Literature and Culture” (RELY) (2023-2026) directed by prof. Rosario Arias from the University of Malaga. Prof. Baena is also the PI of the Erasmus+ project: REMAP: Reading for Meaning and Purpose (2024-2027) which aims to promote meaningful reading among university students. Her publications in this field include “Reading for Pleasure: from Narrative Competence to Character Education” (Routledge 2021), and “El infinito en un libro. La lectura y sus peligros” (Eunsa 2024). She is currently vice president for Students and International Affairs at the University of Navarra.