Departamento académico: (FD) Relaciones Internacionales

Centro académico: Facultad de Derecho (FD)

Organización: Universidad de Navarra


Doctor by the Universidad de Deusto with the thesis El derecho al asilo como derecho subjetivo del individuo en derecho internacional especial referencia al derecho europeo 1999. Supervised by Dr. Fernando M. Mariño Menéndez.

María-Teresa Gil-Bazo obtained her PhD in International Law at University of Deusto (Spain) with a thesis on the right to asylum as a human right, under the supervision of Professor Fernando M. Mariño Menéndez (former Chair of the UN Committee Against Torture). Since 2020 she is Professor of International Law and International Relations at University of Navarra (Profesora Titular, accredited by ANECA). Between 1999 and 2004, María-Teresa worked in Brussels during the development of the first stage of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, and the 2004 accession of ten Central and Eastern European Member States. Between 2004 and 2020 María-Teresa held academic posts in UK Russell Group Universities (research-intensive universities). In 2004, María-Teresa obtained the post of Lecturer in International Human Rights and Refugee Law at Oxford University, where she was also Director of its International Summer School in Forced Migration. In 2007 María-Teresa moved to Newcastle University, where she was Senior Lecturer in Law and Convenor of Newcastle University interdisciplinary Research Group on International Studies in Forced Displacement. In 2015, María-Teresa was formally appointed as External Expert of the European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA, formerly EASO), with a four-year appointment. María-Teresa is Member of the International Law Association (British Section); Fellow of the European Law Institute (Vienna) and Chair of its Fundamental Rights Special Interest Group (together with Judge Botjan Zalar); Associate Member of the International Association of Refugee and Migration Law Judges (IAMRJ); as well as Senior Research Associate at the Refugee Law Initiative of the School of Advanced Studies at University of London (where she has also served as External Examiner 2020-2024). María-Teresa has also been Research Associate at the University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg, South Africa) and Member of the Organisation of American States Expert Group on migration and international protection in Costa Rica. María-Teresa has been IP in six international research projects and has supervised five PhD students to completion (with students obtaining lecturer posts at Universities in UAE, Iraq, UK, and Japan). María-Teresa has been IP in several knowledge-transfer contracts with the UN, the EU, and the IARMJ. Her research is published in international publishers and journals and has been cited before the Court of Justice of the EU, the European Court of Human Rights, and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and has been selected by Oxford University Press as advanced materials in International Refugee Law ( and as high impact research (