Juan Diego
Azcona Armendáriz
Investigador Consultor
Publications (50) Juan Diego Azcona Armendáriz publications
Is neutron-activation a radiation safety issue for the facility staff and public members in proton therapy?
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 215
Commissioning of a synchrotron-based proton beam therapy system for use with a Monte Carlo treatment planning system
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 204
Corrigendum: Practice-oriented solutions integrating intraoperative electron irradiation and personalized proton therapy for recurrent or unresectable cancers: Proof of concept and potential for dual FLASH effect, (Front. Oncol, (2022), 12, (1037262), 10.3389/fonc.2022.1037262)
Frontiers in Oncology
Detailed dosimetric evaluation of inter-fraction and respiratory motion in lung stereotactic body radiation therapy based on daily 4D cone beam CT images
Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 68, Núm. 1
Experimental analysis of a free-float capable tension leg platform with a 10 MW turbine
Trends in Renewable Energies Offshore - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, RENEW 2022
Hospital-based proton therapy implementation during the COVID pandemic: early clinical and research experience in a European academic institution
Clinical and Translational Oncology, Vol. 25, Núm. 5, pp. 1268-1276
OF2: coupling OpenFAST and OpenFOAM for high-fidelity aero-hydro-servo-elastic FOWT simulations
Wind Energy Science, Vol. 8, Núm. 10, pp. 1597-1611
Platform yaw drift in upwind floating wind turbines with single-point-mooring system and its mitigation by individual pitch control
Wind Energy Science, Vol. 8, Núm. 2, pp. 277-288
Precise dosimetric comparison between GAMOS and the collapsed cone convolution algorithm of 4D DOSE accumulated in lung SBRT treatments
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 208
Assessment of the power obtained by a multi wind turbine floating platform
Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE
Experimental Analysis of CENTEC-TLP Self-Stable Platform with a 10 MW Turbine
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol. 10, Núm. 12
Influence of lateral rotor spacing on the benefits in power generated by multi-rotor configurations
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Model tests of a 10MW semi-submersible floating wind turbine under waves and wind using hybrid method to integrate the rotor thrust and moments
Wind Energy Science, Vol. 7, Núm. 5, pp. 2149-2161
Monte Carlo Simulation Framework for the Evaluation of PET Detector Designs in Charged Particle Therapy Applications
2022 IEEE NSS/MIC RTSD - IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Room Temperature Semiconductor Detector Conference
Practice-oriented solutions integrating intraoperative electron irradiation and personalized proton therapy for recurrent or unresectable cancers: Proof of concept and potential for dual FLASH effect
Frontiers in Oncology, Vol. 12
Study of the influence of met-ocean data in fatigue loads calculations of a floating offshore wind turbine
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
A method using 4D dose accumulation to quantify the interplay effect in lung stereotactic body radiation therapy
Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 66, Núm. 3
A tool for precise calculation of organ doses in voxelised geometries using GAMOS/Geant4 with a graphical user interface
Polish Journal of Medical Physics and Engineering, Vol. 27, Núm. 1, pp. 31-40
Hybrid scaled testing of a 10MW TLP floating wind turbine using the SiL method to integrate the rotor thrust and moments
Developments in Renewable Energies Offshore - Proceedings the 4th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, RENEW 2020
Validation of a free vortex filament wake module for the integrated simulation of multi-rotor wind turbines
Renewable Energy, Vol. 179, pp. 1706-1718