Communications dans un congrès (13) Publications auxquelles un chercheur a participé


  1. A numerical identifiability test for state-space models - Application to optimal experimental design

    Water Science and Technology

  2. Application of mathematical tools to improve the design and operation of activated sludge plants. Case study: The new WWTP of Galindo-Bilbao Part I: Optimum design

    Water Science and Technology

  3. Application of mathematical tools to improve the design and operation of activated sludge plants. Case study: The new WWTP of Galindo-Bilbao Part II: Operational strategies and automatic controllers

    Water Science and Technology

  4. Development and verification of design and operation criteria for the step feed process with nitrogen removal

    Water Science and Technology

  5. Développement de capteurs CO sélectifs à faible coût basés sur les technologies de microfabrication

    International Gas Research Conference Proceedings

  6. First results on the development of improved doped carbon materials for fusion applications

    Physica Scripta T

  7. Improvement of Microstructural Homogeneity in Thermomechanical Processed Nb Steels by Thin Slab Casting

    43rd Mechanical Working and Steel Processing Conference Proceedings

  8. Improvement of microstructural homogeneity in thermomechanical processed Nb steels by thin slab casting


  9. Modeling of Linear Induction Motors as Linear Drives

    2001 IEEE Porto Power Tech Proceedings

  10. New simulators for the optimum management and operation of wastewater treatment plant

    Water Science and Technology

  11. Real-time control strategies for predenitrification - Nitrification activated sludge plants biodegradation control

    Water Science and Technology

  12. Tritium depth profiling by AMS in carbon samples from fusion experiments

    Physica Scripta T

  13. Visualización Cooperativa en Internet

    CEIG 2001