Supervised theses (55) Theses supervised by Departamento académico members View defended theses


  1. Enhancing bone regeneration: A mechanobiology-centric approach to TPMS-based bone replacements.

    Asbai Ghoudan, Reduan

    Supervised by Naiara Rodríguez Florez y Sergio Ruiz de Galarreta Moriones


  1. Análisis del funcionamiento de tanques DAF con y sin lamelas a través de la modelización de la hidrodinámica mediante técnicas CFD

    Hlukhov, Dmytro

    Supervised by Gorka Sánchez Larraona y Alejandro Rivas Nieto
  2. Bidaiari-trenen esekidura pneumatikoaren karakterizazio eta modelizazio dinamikoa

    Mendia-García, Irati

    Supervised by Nere Gil-Negrete Laborda y Ainara Pradera Mallabiabarrena


  1. Design, modeling and characterization of lattice structures for orthopedic implant applications

    Alaña-Olivares, Markel

    Supervised by Aitziber López de Arancibia y Sergio Ruiz de Galarreta Moriones
  2. Magnetorheological elastomers in elevator application context


    Supervised by Nere Gil-Negrete Laborda


  1. Development of an upper limb tele-rehabilitation home robotic device for post-stroke patients

    Ugartemendia Etxarri, Axier

    Supervised by Iñaki Díaz Garmendia y Jorge Juan Gil Nobajas
  2. Experimental study of the meltblowing process for adhesive applications

    Formoso Rodríguez, Ignacio

    Supervised by Alejandro Rivas Nieto


  1. Adaptive opaque facades: A performance-based design method

    Juaristi Gutiérrez, Miren

    Supervised by Tomás Gómez-Acebo Temes y Aurora Monge Barrio
  2. Design and performance analysis of a new catheter for liver radioembolization

    Ortega Calderón, Julio

    Supervised by Juan Carlos Ramos González y Raúl Antón Remírez
  3. Development of a low-cost wearable prevention system for MSDS using IMU systems and electrically conductive materials via additive manufacturing

    Cao, Chuan

    Supervised by Aitor Cazón Martín y María Isabel Rodríguez Ferradas
  4. How can we co-design wearables?: A user-centred methodolology to co-design and co-evaluate wearables

    Francés Morcillo, Leire

    Supervised by María Paz Morer Camo y María Isabel Rodríguez Ferradas
  5. New mass-based population balance model including shear rate effects: application to struvite recovery

    Elduayen Echave, Beñat

    Supervised by Paloma Grau Gumbau y Gorka Sánchez Larraona
  6. Thermodynamic and experimental investigation of the MN-NI-B system as a master alloy for obtaining high-performance pm steel

    Rodríguez Sebastián, Juan Carlos

    Supervised by Tomás Gómez-Acebo Temes


  1. Análisis y desarrollo de geometrías de rosca de tornillos autorroscantes para polímeros usados en la industria del automovil

    Cumbicus Jiménez, Wilmer Euclides

    Supervised by Miguel Arizmendi Jaca
  2. Characterization and assessment of a hybrid cooling system integrated in building

    Zuazua Ros, Amaia

    Supervised by César Martín Gómez, Tomás Gómez-Acebo Temes y Juan Carlos Ramos González
  3. Development of new techniques for the numerical modelling of railway track dynamics. Application to rolling noise

    Blanco Mula, Blas

    Supervised by Nere Gil-Negrete Laborda


  1. Nuevos desarrollos para el análisis vibroacústico de sistemas mediante técnicas sea

    Jorge Arranz, Esther

    Supervised by Nere Gil-Negrete Laborda


  1. Breakthrough detection and bone health awareness during drilling procedures

    Accini Morán, Fernando

    Supervised by Jorge Juan Gil Nobajas
  2. Modelización de las vibraciones laterales de baja frecuencia en procesos de taladrado

    Jiménez Zabaleta, Amaia

    Supervised by Miguel Arizmendi Jaca
  3. Thermal and hydraulic design of water-based cooling systems for electrical machines

    Satrustegui de Legarra, Marco

    Supervised by Miguel Martínez-Iturralde Maiza y Juan Carlos Ramos González