Publicaciones (113) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. 10 lecciones de Benedicto XVI para la posteridad

    Altar Mayor, Núm. 153, pp. 339-342

  2. 1212. La batalla de las Navas de Tolosa ocho siglos después

    Memoria y civilización: anuario de historia, Núm. 16, pp. 327-329

  3. A prospective study of methylnaltrexone for opioid-induced constipation in advanced illness: Should we use it or not?

    Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

  4. A systematic review of the influence of opioids on advanced cancer patient survival

    Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care, Vol. 7, Núm. 4, pp. 424-430

  5. Achieving closure? Lexis and argumentation in newspaper editorials on death of Bin Laden.

    Léxico y argumentación en el discurso público actual (Peter Lang)

  6. An interprofessional palliative care oncology rehabilitation program: Effects on function and predictors of program completion

    Current Oncology, Vol. 20, Núm. 6, pp. 301-309

  7. An update on the importance of monitoring serum magnesium in advanced disease patients

    Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care, Vol. 7, Núm. 4, pp. 396-405

  8. Asymmetric labor market institutions in the EMU and the volatility of inflation and unemployment differentials

    Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 45, Núm. 6, pp. 1165-1186

  9. Book symposium: Terrence deacon’s incomplete nature: Deacon’s negative approach to realism: a metaphysical glass half empty?

    Religion, Brain and Behavior, Vol. 5, Núm. 1, pp. 36-41

  10. British media discourse on the wearing of religious symbols

    Verbal and visual rhetoric in a media world (Leiden University Press), pp. 193 - 207

  11. Carl Schmitt as a political Philosopher

    PHILOSOPHISCHES JAHRBUCH, Vol. 120, Núm. 1, pp. 196-197

  12. Comprender el pasado: una historia de la escritura y el pensamiento histórico


  13. Conceptos básicos de epidemiología

    Conceptos de salud pública y estrategias preventivas: un manual para ciencias de la salud (Elsevier), pp. 23-31

  14. Corporate Discourse

    Bloomsbury Publishing

  15. Corporate Discourse

    Bloomsbury Publishing Plc., pp. 1-209

  16. Delayed perfect monitoring in repeated games

    International Journal of Game Theory, Vol. 42, Núm. 1, pp. 283-294

  17. Determinantes de la salud

    Conceptos de salud pública y estrategias preventivas: un manual para ciencias de la salud (Elsevier), pp. 1-7

  18. Developing communicative competence in university language programmes

    Language Learning in Higher Education, Vol. 2, Núm. 2, pp. 339 - 351

  19. Dignita humana senza Dio?

    La legge di re Salomone: ragione e diritto nei discorsi di Benedetto XVI (BUR Saggi Rizzoli), pp. 154 - 166

  20. Do Expectations Have Time Span?

    Axiomathes, Vol. 23, Núm. 4, pp. 665-681