Departamento académico
(FFN) Ciencias de la Alimentación y Fisiología
Tesis defendidas (107) Tesis defendidas en Departamento académico Ver tesis dirigidas
Impact of a personalized nutritional strategy on the dietary pattern of children and potential interplay with nutritional and health status
Andueza Pacheco, Naroa
Pediococcus acidilactici cect 9879 (pa1c®) as a probiotic for the prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus and related comorbidities. In vivo evaluation and mechanism of action
Yavorov-Dayliev, Deyan
Precision integrative screening of determinants and diverse risk factors involved in obesity throughout the life cycle
de Cuevillas, B.
Role of plant micrornas in altered physiological features of obesity: Effects on inflammation and metabolism
Díez-Sainz, Ester
Strategies for the development of food products oriented to people with dysphagia
Giura, Larisa-Mihaela
Acceptance, impact and mechanisms of action of portion control tools for the management of body weight in adults
Vargas, Angelina
Análisis del papel del patrón de la dieta paleolítica, proteínas dietéticas de alta calidad y aminoácidos dietéticos sobre el riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular y obesidad en una cohorte prospectiva mediterránea
De la O Pascual, Víctor
Nutrigenetic approaches for precision nutrition management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Pérez-Díaz-del-Campo, N.
Reformulation of bakery products: from functional ingredients development to in vitro gastrointestinal digestion
Gutiérrez-Luna, Katherine
Role and regulation of CDK2 and p27 in adipose tissue and obesity
Colón Mesa, Ignacio
Role of dha supplementation and physical exercise on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease markers in aged obese female mice and postmenopausal women
Yang, Jinchunzi
Association between individual phenotypic features and lifestyle factors on the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in older subjects with metabolic syndrome
Bullón Vela, María Vanessa
Effects of DHA supplementation and physical exercise on adipose tissue and metabolic health: Studies in aged obese female mice and postmenopausal women
Félix Soriano, Elisa
Gut microbiota, diet and obesity: interplay with host genetics and personalization of weight loss
Cuevas-Sierra, A.
Influencia de la dieta y otros factores de riesgo cardiovascular sobre la longitud telomérica en sujetos mayores de la cohorte SUN
Alonso-Pedrero, L.
Metabolomics of heat-treated Tudela artichoke (poly)phenolic compounds: Effect of the gastrointestinal digestion and gut microbiota on their bioaccesibility and bioavailability
Domínguez Fernández, María Teresa
Strategies for improving the quality of life in age-related diseases: precision nutrition approaches
Galarregui-Miquelarena, C.
Cardoon stalks and sweet pepper fruits: In vitro approach to their potential genoprotective, anti-inflammatory and prebiotic activity in the gastrointestinal tract, before and after culinary treatment
Huarte Cilveti, Estíbaliz
Follow-up of two personalized energy-restricted dietary strategies in subjects with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Underlying nutritional and lifestyle factors
Marin Alejandre, Bertha Araceli