Publicacións nas que colabora con Pedro Manuel Rodrigo Cruz (10)


  1. Low cost CO detector integrated with IoT

    2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering Veracruz, ICEV 2019

  2. Wireless Temperature Monitoring System through IoT for Domestic Solar Water Heaters

    2019 IEEE 39th Central America and Panama Convention, CONCAPAN 2019


  1. A low cost presence detection system for smart homes

    Proceedings of the 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering, RICE 2018

  2. Domotic control system for blinds with zigbee communication mobile device

    Proceedings of the 2018 3rd IEEE International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering, RICE 2018


  1. Energetic analysis of simplified 2-position and 3-position North-South horizontal single-axis sun tracking concepts

    Solar Energy, Vol. 157, pp. 244-250

  2. Prototype for water reuse in house showers: Savings and economics

    7th IMEKO TC19 Symposium on Environmental Instrumentation and Measurements, EnvIMEKO 2017