Percepción sobre la construcción de competencias académicas y profesionales en Psicólogos
- de la Fuente Arias, Jesús
- Casanova Arias, Pedro Félix
- Trianes Torres, María Victoria
- Justicia Justicia, Fernando
ISSN: 1696-2095
Argitalpen urtea: 2005
Alea: 3
Zenbakia: 5
Orrialdeak: 3-34
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Electronic journal of research in educational psychology
Introduction. Evaluating competencies required for professional practice is a matter of particular current interest. Its importance lies in improvements that can be made in both preparatory and ongoing training and development processes. This paper summarizes results obtained from a recent investigation regarding this issue. Method. A total of 76 subjects of varying typology participated. These differed in what degree they had earned, in when they had completed their studies, in their current professional position, and in their level of professional experience. All of them completed an online version of the Escala para la Evaluación de la Formación Psicológica recibida por los profesionales [Scale for Evaluating Training in Psychology Received by Practicing Professionals], version 1.00 (De la Fuente, 2003). We performed descriptive analysis and analyses of variance with data obtained. Results. The academic and professional competencies identified are developed, or constructed, in both developmental environments, although not in proper balance, i.e. there is not always adequate coordination between the two environments. In general, subjects feel that a greater number of competencies are constructed in the applied-professional context. Most factual knowledge (knowing) is constructed in the degree program environment, while construction of procedural knowledge (know how) is produced in the applied environment. Discussion. We consider this line of work to be quite beneficial in evaluating the quality of training received. By taking a close-up look at the current situation we have been able to discern perceptions of students, teachers and practitioners. This input is quite valuable for redesigning preparatory and ongoing training processes for future psychologists.
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