mRNA-based therapy in a rabbit model of variegate porphyria offers new insights into the pathogenesis of acute attacks
- Jericó, D.
- Córdoba, K.M.
- Jiang, L.
- Schmitt, C.
- Morán, M.
- Sampedro, A.
- Alegre, M.
- Collantes, M.
- Santamaría, E.
- Alegre, E.
- Culerier, C.
- de Mendoza, A.E.-H.
- Oyarzabal, J.
- Martín, M.A.
- Peñuelas, I.
- Ávila, M.A.
- Gouya, L.
- Martini, P.G.V.
- Fontanellas, A.
Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids
ISSN: 2162-2531
Argitalpen urtea: 2021
Alea: 25
Orrialdeak: 207-219
Mota: Artikulua