Bioclimatologia de la españa peninsular y balear, y su cartografia

Dirixida por:
  1. Maria Luisa Lopez Fernandez Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 28 de xuño de 2007

  1. Alicia Ederra Indurain Presidenta
  2. Ricardo Marco García Secretario/a
  3. Aritz Royo Esnal Vogal
  4. Fermín Morales Iribas Vogal
  5. Enrique Baquero Martín Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 300078 DIALNET


TITULO: Bioclimatología de la España peninsular y Balear, y su cartografía Resumen: Bioclimatology of the Peninsular and Balearic Spain, and its cartography with data from 6.111" thermopluviometric registers from all over Spain, and based on "Global Bioclimatic, created and developed by Professor Rivas Martinez, a detailed bioclimatic study has been done on the basis of a complete cartography of the Peninsular and Balearic Spain. The purposes of this study are the following: -To elaborate the first ombrothermic map of the Peninsular and Balearic Spain. -To improve previous maps of macrobioclimates, bioclimates, bioclimatic variants and thermo types. -To calculate the surface occupied by those bioclimatic units in the given region in the Peninsular and Balearic Spain, have been found 2 macrobioclimates ( Mediterranean and Temperate ), 9 bioclimates ( 5 Mediterranean and 4 Temperate), 2 variants of bioclimates ( submediterranean and estepic ), 16 units of bioclimatic variants ( 9 Mediterranean and 7 temperate ), 11 thermotypes (6 Mediterranean and 5 Temperate ) and 7 ombrothypes. The geographical distribution of those units has been cartographied so we can appreciate the territory occupied by each of them. in order to express all the climatic peculiarities of vegetal communities we use isobioclimates: after discussion of the Results and superposition of all those bioclimatic units, we have found 75 different isobioclimates in the Peninsular and Balearic Spain, showing a great bioclimatic diversity in our territory