Razón moral y razón política según Joseph Ratzinger/Benedicto XVI

  1. Montero, Etienne
Dirixida por:
  1. Tomás Angel Trigo Oubiña Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 27 de outubro de 2020

  1. Ana Marta González González Presidenta
  2. Rodrigo Muñoz de Juana Secretario
  3. Pablo Blanco Sarto Vogal
  4. Fernando Simón Yarza Vogal
  5. Juan Cianciardo Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 152933 DIALNET


The author seeks to understand how Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI conceives the natural law or moral reason: its foundation in the doctrine of creation, its knowability and the importance he gives to this concept in his theological-moral thinking. The author studies carefully how Ratzinger faces the obstacles that hinder the recognition of a moral reason, among others, the materialist interpretation of the evolution theory and the positivist paradigm that prevails today. He also exposes how the moral reason provides principles to found and guide the politics and law. The determination of the German theologian to rehabilitate the role and authority of the reason specifically, of the practical reason also points out the question on the contribution of the Christian faith to the moral reason and to politics.