Positivismos ingenuos. A propósito del discurso de Benedicto XVI sobre interpretación de la ley canónica (21.I.2012)

  1. Otaduy, Javier 1
  1. 1 Facultad de Derecho Canónico
Ius canonicum

ISSN: 0021-325X

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 54

Issue: 107

Pages: 23-44

Type: Article

More publications in: Ius canonicum


Benedict XVI’s speech to the Roman Rota on 21 January 2012 on the interpretation of canon law rejects positivism and a reading of the law as mere text. Drawing on this speech, the article comments on the interpretation of the law in the Church. Three historical fields are used for the purposes of comparative study: the interpretation of the Franciscan Rule; the origin of the European codification movement; and the initial application of the Pio-Benedictine Code. In all three historical contexts, the interpretation of the law is subject to a certain suspicion. A kind of positivism designed not to reject transcendence but to provide clarity in the law arose as a result. The article attempts to undo some basic mistakes concerning the interpretation of the law and to present as accurately as possible the teaching of Benedict XVI in this field

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