Nuevos modelos de negocio, creación de valor y el cambiante rol de la prensa en los sistemas democráticos

  1. Alfonso Vara Miguel
  2. Carolina Díaz-Espina

ISSN: 1138-3305 2340-5007

Année de publication: 2015

Titre de la publication: From Spectators to Users: Exploring the Ongoing Transformation of Media Audiences

Número: 36

Pages: 151-166

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Trípodos


This paper aims to analyze the relationship between a profitable press and a healthy democracy. The lack of a profitable business model for digital editions raises serious questions about how the media perform three key functions for the normality of democratic systems: selection of information, monitoring of political and economic powers, and generation of discourse that encourages the public debate. The loss of exclusivity in the dissemination of information, questioning the authority of journalists as independent actors, and the defragmentation of messages inherent to internet has undermined the creation of value of traditional media, which has resulted in a loss in the ability to generate income from their main activity. Research on business models in the media industry has barely responded to this problem in part by the limited conceptual, theoretical and methodological uniformity, and in part by an excessive focus on one element of the models business, the incomes.

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