El Trastorno de Aprendizaje Procedimental y su intervención psicopedagógica
Universidad de Navarra
ISSN: 2386-7418
Datum der Publikation: 2017
Titel der Ausgabe: XIV Congreso Psicopedagogía. Área 11: NECESIDADES EDUCATIVAS ESPECIALES
Nummer: 11
Seiten: 16-19
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Revista de estudios e investigación en psicología y educación
Procedural learning disorder (PLD) is a poorly understood disorder. It has been called in multiple forms according to the different authors. Itis diagnosedmuch less frequently than other learning/developmentaldisorders because symptoms are often confused. Therefore, some ofthese children are often misdiagnosed. The PLD is especially characterized by a disturbance of motor coordination, although the explanatory cause of it lies in the difficulty of developing certain perceptual-motor skills and cognitiveroutines that are normally used without special effort to be automated. Currently there are a variety of intervention approaches (especially in the motor field)showing different levels of scientific evidence.
Bibliographische Referenzen
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