Desarrollo háptico de la “visión” gráfica. Educación por experiencia en los comienzos del movimiento moderno de arquitectura
- Salazar Ruiz, Mariano 1
- Salazar Lozano, María del Pilar 1
Universidad de Navarra
ISSN: 1133-6137, 2254-6103
Ano de publicación: 2022
Título do exemplar: conversando con...Dominique Coulon
Volume: 27
Número: 44
Páxinas: 164-173
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: EGA: revista de expresión gráfica arquitectónica
Great Master of Modern Architecture such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier received not a university education in architecture but practical training through professional practice. In their teaching they always valued the experience they had enjoyed of direct and active contact with the material reality of the environment.A review of their formative experiences, and the way in which they integrated these into their subsequent educational proposals, offers us data for a reflection on pedagogical methodologies in schools of architecture. This is the aim of this article.
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