Juventud, digitalización y activismo. Algunas reflexiones

  1. Charo Sádaba Chalezquer

ISSN: 1697-8293

Year of publication: 2022

Issue Title: LTE1. Ciencia Cognitiva y Neuromarketing | LTE2. Culturas digitales en las redes sociales

Volume: 20

Issue: 2

Type: Article

DOI: 10.7195/RI14.V20I2.1902 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

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Although a certain attitude of opposition to the adult and established world has traditionally been presumed by the youngest, it is true that some current social conditions, in addition to digital technology itself, make it more present now. Activism in and through social networks has become a frequent channel for this age group to present their demands and discontent, and it is worth reflecting on the characteristics that surround this generation and also the particularities of the use they make of technology itself. Among the former, the lengthening of dependence on the adult world stands out, which implies a potential delay in the processes of maturity. This brings with it a vital discontent that finds in the networks a perfect setting to be manifested and to fight against the establishment. Regarding technology, it is clear that it satisfies the needs of young people at many levels, which makes it almost essential for their daily lives, at least in the developed societies. These reflections raise questions to be addressed within the framework of the study of young people and digital activism and that have to do with the degree of development of their digital competence, with their ability to fight against disinformation and its devastating effects on democracies, and also with the most human roots that raises the multidimensional use they make of technology. Young people occupy and live in digital spaces, and this implies radically confronting this reality, also from research.

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