"Aquí es caliente y por donde está acá el cerro ya es frío"variación entre los adverbios demostrativos aquí ~ acá en el habla de Mérida (Venezuela)

  1. Gallucci, Maria José

ISSN: 1134-8941

Argitalpen urtea: 2009

Zenbakia: 18

Orrialdeak: 444-454

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Interlingüística


The present study examines the variation of the demonstrative adverbs aquí ~ acá in Spanish spoken in Mérida (Venezuela). In order to study the variation between these two adverbs which show proximity to the speaker a sample from the Corpus sociolingüístico de Mérida 1995 (Domínguez y Mora, 1995) has been selected. The sample is made up of 48 speakers who were stratified according to age, sex and socioeconomic status. The study variables were adapted from the group of factors proposed by Sedano 2000 and Gallucci 2006. Four linguistic variables were considered (adverb position, presence of a preposition, presence of a complementary expression and directionality) and three extralinguistic variables (age, sex and socioeconomic status) Findings from the Goldvarb_2001 program show that the linguistic variables presence of a preposition and directionality favor the variation. All the extralinguistic variables, though in a less degree, favor the variation between aquí ~ acá. Apart from contributing to determine the factors which favor the selection of the demonstrative adverbs aquí ~ acá in Spanish spoken in Mérida, this study has also showed that the results obtained are similar to those observed by Sedano 2000 in the Spanish spoken in Caracas.