Protocolo terapéutico empírico de las diarreas infecciosas

  1. Íñigo Pestaña, M.
  2. del Pozo, J.L.
Medicine: Programa de Formación Médica Continuada Acreditado

ISSN: 0304-5412

Any de publicació: 2018

Títol de l'exemplar: Enfermedades infecciosas (II): Infecciones por bacilos Gram negativos

Sèrie: 12

Número: 50

Pàgines: 2982-2985

Tipus: Article


Altres publicacions en: Medicine: Programa de Formación Médica Continuada Acreditado


Introduction Acute gastroenteritis is a major cause of morbidity worldwide, and of mortality in developing countries. The clinical symptoms, whether the gastroenteritis is inflammatory or non-inflammatory, will determine the diagnostic and therapeutic approach. Treatment Most cases of infectious diarrhoea in immunocompetent adults are self-limiting, do not require specific laboratory testing and have a favourable outcome with symptomatic treatment alone. In general, the empirical use of antibiotics is not recommended, reserving them for cases of acute inflammatory diarrhoea, patients aged under 2 or over 70 years, immunosuppressed patients and patients with vascular disease. If empirical treatment is started, it will be selected according to clinical symptoms and information from the patient history.

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