Indemnización por incapacidad laboral permanente y jurisprudencia sobre calificación -ganancial o privativa- de los incrementos dinerarios del salario

  1. Xabier Basozabal Arrue 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Navarra

    Universidad de Navarra

    Pamplona, España


Anuario de derecho civil

ISSN: 0210-301X

Argitalpen urtea: 2020

Alea: 73

Zenbakia: 4

Orrialdeak: 1807-1822

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Anuario de derecho civil


In the decision of December 14, 2017, on the nature –whether common or exclusive– of a «compensation for permanent disability to work», the Supreme Court has modified its only precedent on this topic, the decision of 25 March 1988. In 1988 the court stablished that when the compensation is received while the community of property exists, it should be considered as a labor income and, therefore, as an income of the community of property. On the contrary, the latest decision has stablished that the compensation should be treated as an exclusive income, due to the close relationship between the compensation and the personality and the compensation for personal injures. This change of opinion could undermine the relatively stable Supreme Court case law on the treatment of monetary increases other than salaries, with its patrimonial focus. This paper studies the posible consequences of the recent decisión of the Supreme Court, as well as the reasons that explain its new orientation. The research concludes by nothing that, probably, neither of both solution is fair, since neither of them takes into account the time factor.

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