El consumo crítico de influencers por menores en Eslovaquia
- Zozaya-Durazo, Luisa 1
- Kačinová, Viera 2
- Sádaba Chalezquer, Charo 1
- Feijoo Fernández, Beatriz
Universidad de Navarra
Univerzita Sv. Cyrila A Metoda V Trnave
Univerzita Sv. Cyrila A Metoda V Trnave
Trnava, Eslovaquia
ISSN: 2340-8413
Année de publication: 2023
Volumen: 11
Número: 2
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Methaodos. revista de ciencias sociales
The experience and maturity of individuals as consumers can determine the ability to critically process and analyze the advertising to which they are exposed (Buijzen et al., 2010; Piaget, 1929). This study exposes the differences in conceptual and attitudinal advertising literacy that minors in primary and high school have for the processing of promotional content shared by influencers. After conducting six virtual focus groups in which 34 minors from various communities in Slovakia participated, the results point to clear age-related differences between the two groups regarding the credibility given to these figures, and their ability to identify persuasive attempts to deceive them. influencers regardless of the creativity and dynamism through which the brands are advertised. The youngest interviewees had difficulty understanding the sales intention when it is presented dynamically, and they perceive that the influencer enjoys what he does; the adolescents affirmed that these characteristics are strategies to encourage them to buy the products. This raises interesting educational considerations about the need to start training in advertising literacy earlier.
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