A atribuição da família na construção da civilização do amor

  1. Moraes dos Santos, Wagner Augusto
Supervised by:
  1. Hélio Luciano Director

Defence university: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 23 September 2021

  1. Santiago Casas Rabasa Chair
  2. Tomás Angel Trigo Oubiña Secretary
  3. Anderson Machado Rodrigues Alves Committee member
  4. José María Pardo Sáenz Committee member
  5. Antonio Luiz Catelan Ferreira Committee member
  1. (FT) Teología Sistemática

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 157898 DIALNET


In 2013, Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski (then prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education) mentioned that the main objective of the document Educating to Intercultural Dialogue in Catholic school (2013) was the construction of a civilization of love. In 2017, the same Congregation took up the theme again in the orientation Educating to fraternal humanism, where it affirms that the construction of the civilization of love is a priority to be pursued by both education professionals and those who have this task by vocation. Taking into account the importance of vocation and the importance of the family in the educational process, this thesis set out to know what the role of the family in the construction of the civilization of love is. To answer this question, the thesis was divided into three parts dedicated, respectively, to understanding: what was understood by Christian Civilization in pre-conciliar Catholic social morality, what the post-conciliar social ideal of the Civilization of Love consists of and, finally, how to establish this new vision of society. In this last part of the thesis, the proposal that the construction of the civilization of love is the process of sanctification of social relations is presented. The role of the Catholic family in this process is summarized as the education of children for the admirable Christian life and as the image of the supernatural universal society of sanctified relationships. Keywords: Civilization of love. Family. Society.