Conocimiento fraseológico y producto fraseográfico
- Manuel Martí Sánchez Director
- María Eugenia Olimpio de Oliveira Silva Co-director
Defence university: Universidad de Alcalá
Fecha de defensa: 14 September 2023
- Ramón González Ruiz Chair
- Ana María Ruiz Martínez Secretary
- Penpisa Srivoranart Committee member
Type: Thesis
As is the case with any other phraseological unit (PU), the use of verbal phrasemes by nonnative speakers conveys a greater naturalness and fluency in communication in foreign languages (Szerszunowicz, 2007: 90-91). However, the teaching and learning of these units in Spanish as a foreign language (ELE) classes in Thailand have encountered considerable difficulties. Among others, there is a lack of suitable educational materials that provide a proper approach to Spanish phraseology. Considering the scarcity of resources on phraseology that limits the development of learners, this doctoral thesis aims to make a model of a learners’ dictionary of verbal phrasemes in a digital format, intended for native Thai speakers who are learners of ELE at B1-B2 levels. The designing of the lexicographical framework is based on the notion of monofunctionality of the Function Theory of Lexicography. The phraseographical treatment, on the other hand, is based on theoretical and practical considerations discussed in the context of Phraseography, Pedagogical Lexicography and Function Theory. This doctoral thesis is structured into six chapters. The first one offers a general description of the characteristics of PU, specifically verbal phrasemes in Spanish and Thai. The second chapter focuses on the teaching-learning of the PU, dealing with the details of the notion of phraseological competence, the use of dictionaries as pedagogical tools for the topic of the phraseological units in the ELE classroom, and the teaching and learning of the Spanish phraseology in Thailand. The third chapter presents theoretical and applied bases for the making of the thesis phraseological proposal. The fourth chapter shows the results obtained from the pilot version of the dictionary, in a test carried out to identify any possible problem. The fifth chapter presents the final version of the dictionary in detail, focusing on the configuration of the proposal and the treatment given to twenty lexicographical articles that make up this model. The sixth and final chapter gathers the main conclusions and other unresolved issues which give rise to future lines of investigation. This work concludes with the bibliographic references and an appendix containing the proposal of a learners’ dictionary of verbal phrasemes Spanish-Thai (DALVET) in its final form.