El feocromocitoma enmascaradoreporte de un caso

  1. Irene Ruiz Adelantado
  2. Clara Sáez Ibarra
  3. Laura Noguera Alonso
  4. Lorenzo Alarcón García
Revista Sanitaria de Investigación

ISSN: 2660-7085

Datum der Publikation: 2024

Ausgabe: 5

Nummer: 5

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista Sanitaria de Investigación


Introduction: Composite pheochromocytoma is a rare pathological condition (3% of pheochromocytomas), characterized by the presence of typical elements of both pheochromocytoma and neuroblastic tumors, often presenting with subtle symptoms, with gastrointestinal and cardiovascular alterations being the most frequently reported. Case Report: A 67-year-old male referred from Urology due to radiological findings of a 3 cm renal mass with an incidental discovery of a 2 cm adrenal nodule. Histological confirmation of renal lesion malignancy leads to a decision for total nephrectomy surgery. As no functionality is detected in the adrenal tumor, surgical intervention is performed for both lesions. Microscopic examination establishes the diagnosis of composite pheochromocytoma, identifying two intermixed cellular proliferations of different nature, histology, and immunohistochemical profile. Discussion: Composite pheochromocytoma is a rare entity in which pheochromocytoma coexists with other histological components, with its pathogenesis not yet clearly understood. Radiological studies do not allow differentiation of this entity from other types of adrenal tumors, and the clinical presentation can be nonspecific as the neuroblastic component is not metabolically active. Due to its low frequency, genetic testing is advised to better understand its biological behavior and its association with hereditary syndromes.

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