Teses dirixidas (15) Teses que dirixiron as persoas membros do grupo


  1. Deep deconvolution of the haematopoietic stem cell regulatory microenvironment in health, ageing and malignant transformation

    Cenzano-Armendáriz, Itziar

    Dirixida por Felipe Prosper Cardoso y Borja Sáez Ochoa
  2. Modelling, design, fabrication and characterization of engineered human myocardium made with melt electrowriting and cardiac cells derived from hipscs

    Flandes Iparraguirre, María

    Dirixida por Felipe Prosper Cardoso y Manuel María Mazo Vega
  3. LncRNAs: Novel therapeutic targets to treat Multiple Myeloma with RNA-based therapies

    Amundarain, Ane

    Dirixida por Felipe Prosper Cardoso y Xabier Aguirre Ena


  1. Identification of novel regulators of transcription in iPSC-derived cardiovascular progenitors

    Linares Acosta, Javier

    Dirixida por Felipe Prosper Cardoso


  1. Development of advanced genetic therapies for primary hyperoxaluria tipe I

    Zabaleta Lasarte, Nerea

    Dirixida por Gloria González Aseguinolaza y Juan Roberto Rodríguez Madoz
  2. New Epigenetic Targets in Multiple Myeloma

    Ordóñez Ciriza, Raquel

    Dirixida por Felipe Prosper Cardoso y Xabier Aguirre Ena
  3. New strategies for cardiac repair using polymer-based drug delivery systems loaded with growth factors

    Pascual Gil de Gómez, Simón

    Dirixida por María Blanco Prieto y Felipe Prosper Cardoso