González Torres
Investigador Senior
Tese doutoral
Numerical tools for the finite element modelling of fracture and crystal plasticity 2008
Universidad de Navarra
Tribunais de teses (4)
Vogal do tribunal
Estandarización de ensayos para el estudio de procesos spf/db de elementos aeronáuticos 2020Universidad de Cádiz
García Barrachina, Luis
Secretario do tribunal
Development of techniques for fracture characterization of thin films for microelectronics 2013Universidad de Navarra
Trueba Elorza, María Isabel
Secretario do tribunal
Modelling of silicon behaviour for wafer fracture assessment during rapid thermal annealing 2012Universidad de Navarra
Gorostegui Colinas, Eider
Secretario do tribunal
Use of finite elements to characterize thermomechanical and interfacial properties of composite materials 2011Universidad de Navarra
Marcos Gómez, David