Amundarain Irizar
Investigador Senior
Tesi doctoral
Tesis dirigides (4)
Flexible framework to model industry 4.0 tasks for process-oriented virtual simulators involving automation and smart robots 2020
Universidad de Navarra
Ottogalli Fernández, Kiara Alexandra
Blended learning strategy, information technologies and universal design principles applied to teaching cognitively disabled people 2013
Universidad de Navarra
Ostiategui Ruiz, Francisco
Study of parallel techniques applied to surface reconstruction from unorganized and unoriented point clouds 2010
Universidad de Navarra
Buchart Izaguirre, Carlos Ignacio
Nuevas estrategias de occlusion culling en entornos complejos y compactos 2007
Universidad de Navarra
Mansa Othaitz, Ignacio María
Tribunals de tesi (10)
Secretari del tribunal
Computer vision and deep learning based road monitoring towards a connected, cooperative and automated mobility 2022Universidad de Navarra
Secretari del tribunal
Monocular visual perception techniques for augmented reality and mobile robotics applications in industry 2019Universidad de Navarra
Zubizarreta Gorostidi, Jon
Secretari del tribunal
Análisis numérico experimental de flujos granulares controlados 2016Universidad de Navarra
Rubio Largo, Sara María
Secretari del tribunal
Digitalización y análisis de superficies cutáneas para el diagnóstico automatizado de reacciones alérgicas 2015Universidad de Navarra
Vocal del tribunal
Improving the process of diffusion tensor image analysis for the study of brain disorders 2015Universidad de Navarra
Garin Muga, Alba
Vocal del tribunal
Development and improvement of optical tracking methods towards registering the deformations of 3d non- rigid bodies in real time for augmented reality applications 2015Universidad de Navarra
Leizea Alonso, Ibai
Vocal del tribunal
Influence of the interaction technology on the usability of a virtual training system and its effectiveness in teaching procedural assembly tasks 2013Universidad de Navarra
Vélaz Camacho, Yaisa
Vocal del tribunal
Volumetric visualization techniques of rigid and deformable models for surgery simulation. 2013Universidad de Navarra
Herrera Asteasu, Imanol
Vocal del tribunal
Rigid and deformable collision handling for a haptic neurosurgery simulator 2012Universidad de Navarra
Echegaray López, Goretti
Vocal del tribunal
Study of the transfer of procedural and motor skills using virtual reality for training industrial maintenance and assembly operations 2011Universidad de Navarra
Rodríguez Arce, Jorge