Gerichte für Dissertationen (10)

  1. Sekretär des Gerichts

    Computer vision and deep learning based road monitoring towards a connected, cooperative and automated mobility 2022

    Universidad de Navarra

    Iparraguirre-Gil, Olatz

  2. Sekretär des Gerichts

    Monocular visual perception techniques for augmented reality and mobile robotics applications in industry 2019

    Universidad de Navarra

    Zubizarreta Gorostidi, Jon

  3. Sekretär des Gerichts

    Análisis numérico experimental de flujos granulares controlados 2016

    Universidad de Navarra

    Rubio Largo, Sara María

  4. Sekretär des Gerichts

    Digitalización y análisis de superficies cutáneas para el diagnóstico automatizado de reacciones alérgicas 2015

    Universidad de Navarra

    Justo Pereira, Xabier

  5. Vokal des Gerichts

    Improving the process of diffusion tensor image analysis for the study of brain disorders 2015

    Universidad de Navarra

    Garin Muga, Alba

  6. Vokal des Gerichts

    Development and improvement of optical tracking methods towards registering the deformations of 3d non- rigid bodies in real time for augmented reality applications 2015

    Universidad de Navarra

    Leizea Alonso, Ibai

  7. Vokal des Gerichts

    Influence of the interaction technology on the usability of a virtual training system and its effectiveness in teaching procedural assembly tasks 2013

    Universidad de Navarra

    Vélaz Camacho, Yaisa

  8. Vokal des Gerichts

    Volumetric visualization techniques of rigid and deformable models for surgery simulation. 2013

    Universidad de Navarra

    Herrera Asteasu, Imanol

  9. Vokal des Gerichts

    Rigid and deformable collision handling for a haptic neurosurgery simulator 2012

    Universidad de Navarra

    Echegaray López, Goretti

  10. Vokal des Gerichts

    Study of the transfer of procedural and motor skills using virtual reality for training industrial maintenance and assembly operations 2011

    Universidad de Navarra

    Rodríguez Arce, Jorge