Argitalpenak (34) Ikertzaileren baten partaidetza izan duten argitalpenak


  1. Advantages and limitations of the use of an extended polyelectrolyte model to describe the proton-binding process in macromolecular systems. Application to a poly(acrylic acid) and a humic acid

    Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 111, Núm. 17, pp. 4488-4494

  2. Analysis of molecular aggregation in humic substances in solution

    Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vol. 302, Núm. 1-3, pp. 301-306

  3. Analyzing factors that influence the folk use and phytonomy of 18 medicinal plants in Navarra

    Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, Vol. 3

  4. Anfibios y reptiles del Museo de Zoología de la Universidad de Navarra

    Publicaciones de Biologia de la Universidad de Navarra - Serie Zoologica, pp. 1-94

  5. Aportaciones al conocimiento de los efemerópteros (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) y plecópteros (Insecta, Plecoptera) de la cuenca del río Ebro y el valle de Arán (España)

    Boletín de la SEA, Núm. 41, pp. 275-290

  6. Biometrics of the southern grey shrike lanius meridionalis in relation to age and sex

    Ringing and Migration, Vol. 23, Núm. 3, pp. 141-146

  7. Clover and ryegrass are tolerant species to ammonium nutrition

    Journal of Plant Physiology, Vol. 164, Núm. 12, pp. 1583-1594

  8. Comparison of two analytical methods for the evaluation of the complexed metal in fertilizers and the complexing capacity of complexing agents

    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol. 55, Núm. 14, pp. 5746-5753

  9. Complexing capacity profiles of naturally occurring ligands in Tempranillo wines for Cu and Zn. An electroanalytical approach for cupric casse

    Analytica Chimica Acta, Vol. 599, Núm. 1, pp. 67-75

  10. Development and agronomical validation of new fertilizer compositions of high bioavailability and reduced potential nutrient losses

    Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol. 55, Núm. 19, pp. 7831-7839

  11. Drought-induced oxidative stress in Canarian laurel forest tree species growing under controlled conditions

    Tree Physiology, Vol. 27, Núm. 10, pp. 1415-1422

  12. Effect of drought, elevated CO2 and temperature on accumulation of N and vegetative storage proteins (VSP) in taproot of nodulated alfalfa before and after cutting

    Plant Science, Vol. 172, Núm. 5, pp. 903-912

  13. Effect of elevated CO2, temperature and limited water supply on antioxidant status during regrowth of nodulated alfalfa

    Physiologia Plantarum, Vol. 130, Núm. 1, pp. 33-45

  14. Effect of elevated temperature and water availability on CO2 exchange and nitrogen fixation of nodulated alfalfa plants

    Environmental and Experimental Botany, Vol. 59, Núm. 2, pp. 99-108

  15. Effect of water deficit on microbial characteristics in soil amended with sewage sludge or inorganic fertilizer under laboratory conditions

    Bioresource Technology, Vol. 98, Núm. 1, pp. 29-37

  16. El fertilizante D-CODER de Timac AGRO-INABONOS. Una nueva tecnología de fertilización (European patent 1612200)

    Phytoma España: La revista profesional de sanidad vegetal, Núm. 194, pp. 56-59

  17. El fertilizante D-CODER de Timac AGRO-INABONOS: una nueva tecnología en fertilización: (European patent EP 1612200)

    Agrícola vergel: Fruticultura, horticultura, floricultura, Año 26, Núm. 312, pp. 580-582

  18. Estudio comparativo del estado ecológico de los ríos de la cuenca del Ebro mediante macroinvertebrados y diatomeas

    Limnetica, Vol. 26, Núm. 1, pp. 143-158

  19. First comprehensive contribution to medical ethnobotany of Western Pyrenees

    Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, Vol. 3

  20. Forest biodiversity and air pollution: a standard method for soil biomonitoring