Diseño de un programa informático para la realización de una valoración nutricional fenotípica y genotípica integral

  1. García De Diego, Laura
  1. José Alfredo Martínez Hernández Zuzendaria
  2. Marta Cuervo Zapatel Zuzendarikidea

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 2015(e)ko abendua-(a)k 16

  1. Alberto Cepeda Sáez Presidentea
  2. Santiago Navas Carretero Idazkaria
  3. Lucía Luisa Pérez Gallardo Kidea
  4. Luis Alberto Pérez Mediavilla Kidea
  5. Antonio Luis Villarino Marin Kidea
  1. (FFN) Ciencias de la Alimentación y Fisiología

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 121666 DIALNET


Human nutritional assessment needs the simultaneous managing an extensive information and a great number of databases, since both aspects of the process of nutrition and health situation are analyzed. The introduction of computers in the nutritional área constitutes an extraordinary advance in the management of nutrition information, to provide a complete evaluation of nutritional aspects in a quick, comprehensive and easy way. In this project, we present a computer program (UNyDIET), which has been performed under Java Swing, using SQLite database and some external libraries such as JfreeChart for plotting graphs. This software can be used for educational purposes, being composed of five blocks categorized into ten modules named: Inputs, Anthropometry, Clinical History, Biochemistry, Dietary History, Diagnoses (with genetic make-up), Quality of life, Physical activity, Energy expenditure and Diets. Each module has a specific function, which evaluates a different aspect of the nutritional status of the patient. The application provides nutritional prognosis based on anthropometric and biochemical measurements, images of states of malnutrition, questionnaires to characterize diseases, diagnoses criteria, identification of risk alleles associated with the development of specific metabolic illnesses and questionnaires of quality of life, for a custom actuation. The program includes, as part of the nutritional assessment of the patient, food intake analysis, design of diets and promotion of physical activity, introducing food frequency questionnaires, dietary recalls, healthy eating indexes, model diets, fitness tests, and recommendations, recalls and questionnaires of physical activity. The usability, functionality and effectiveness of the software were tested through a two-phase pilot evaluation, which were involved nutrition experts and postgraduate students. In each training session, the software developed guides users in the integral evaluation of a patient’s nutritional status and helps them to implement actions. In summary, UNyDIET is a global computer program, that it has been developed for educational purposes, and it can be easily used as a working instrument in programs promoting health, nutritional and clinical assessments as well as in the evaluation of health care quality, in epidemiological studies, or in nutrition intervention programs. Accordingly, UNyDIET is a software aimed to health specialists, medical staff, dietitians, nutritionists, scientists and educators, with a global perspective for integral nutritional assessment and care.