Evolucion en el tiempo de cafe molido en funcion del tipo de mezcla grado de molido y condiciones de envasado

unter der Leitung von:
  1. Concepción Cid Canda Doktormutter
  2. María Paz de Peña Fariza Co-Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Navarra

Fecha de defensa: 17 von November von 2006

  1. José Bello Gutierrez Präsident/in
  2. Diana Ansorena Artieda Sekretärin
  3. Jesús Salmerón Egea Vocal
  4. María Dolores Ruiz López Vocal
  5. María José Villanueva Suárez Vocal
  1. (FFN) Ciencias de la Alimentación y Fisiología

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 296741 DIALNET


GROUND ROASTED COFFEE EVOLUTION ALONG THE TIME DEPENDING ON THE COFFEE BLEND, GRINDING GRADE AND PACKAGING CONDITIONS%&/María A. Vi la Martín. Faculty of Pharmacy, university of Navarra (Spain). 2006. Nowadays, the merchandizing of the ground coffee with an specific grinding grade for a method of brew coffee preparation is becoming more usual, like, ground coffee for espresso coffee machine. The general aim of this work was studying and comparing the evolution during the time of the ground roasted coffees qualities depending on coffee blend, grinding grade and packaging conditions during 180 days of storage at 25 °C. This evolution was studied specially through lipid fraction changes (principal responsible for the staling) and volatile compounds changes (responsible for the aroma quality). Besides, the ground coffee evolution influence on the espresso coffee was studied evaluating the sensorial quality. On one hand, the influence of the coffee blend (Brazilian Arábica 100% and Brazilian Arábica:indian cherry Robusta 80:20) and grinding grade (fine and coarse, both accurate to prepare espresso coffee brew) on the ground coffee evolution at vacuum pack during 180 days at 25 °C. on the other hand, the influence of the packaging conditions (control, at vacuum, nitrogen) on the finely ground Brazilian Arábica coffee 100% evolution during 180 days storaged at 25 °C. The process from green coffee to espresso coffee was carried out in the laboratory. Finally, coarsely ground Brazilian Arábica 100% was the coffee with the best global technical qualificatión at 180 days of the storage. The packaging with nitrogen did not show important advantages versus vacuum pack in the ground coffee storage. Besides, the ground coffee shelf life could be 90 days.