Two-dimensional periodic nanoscale patterning of solid surfaces by four-beam standing wave excimer laser lithography

  1. Verevkin, Y.K.
  2. Daume, E.Y.
  3. Petryakov, V.N.
  4. Klimov, A.Y.
  5. Gribkov, B.S.
  6. Filatov, D.O.
  7. Gushchina, Y.Y.
  8. Tan, C.
  9. Peng, C.S.
  10. Pessa, M.
  11. Wang, Z.
  12. Olaizola, S.M.
  13. Tisserand, S.
Laser Beams: Theory, Properties and Applications

ISBN: 9781608762668

Argitalpen urtea: 2011

Orrialdeak: 159-204

Mota: Liburuko kapitulua