Theses Committees (14)

  1. Committee Member

    Desarrollo de triazoles y tetrazoles como agentes inmunomoduladores y disruptores del microambiente tumoral 2023

    Universitat Jaume I

    Pla López, Alberto

  2. Chair of the Committee

    From transcriptomics to proteomics: Unraveling biological knowledge via Machine Learning 2022

    Universidad de Navarra

    Serrano-Sanz, Guillermo

  3. Committee Member

    New therapeutic targets in leishmania spp. Study and characterization of lmjpes brct 2021

    Universidad de Navarra

    Peña Guerrero, José

  4. Secretary of the Committee

    Combinatorial nanomedicine made of squalenoyl-gemcitabine and edelfosine for the treatment of pediatric cancer 2020

    Universidad de Navarra

    Rodríguez Nogales, Carlos

  5. Chair of the Committee

    Identification of omic profiles for diagnosis and monitoring of bladder cancer 2019

    Universitat de València

    Loras Monfort, Alba

  6. Secretary of the Committee

    Use of multivariate statistical methods for the analysis of metabolomic data 2019

    Universitat Politècnica de València

    Hervás Marín, David

  7. Committee Member

    Development of small molecules targeting selected enzymes involved in cancer and central nervous system disorders 2019

    Universidad CEU San Pablo

    Pastor Fernandez, Miryam

  8. Committee Member

    Naturaleza dinámica de MnmG. Una flavoenzima ancestral modificadora de tRNAs bacterianos y mitocondriales 2016

    Universitat de València

    Ruiz Partida, Rafael

  9. Committee Member

    Síntesis de análogos de resveratrol y de rodanina y estudio de su actividad biológica 2015

    Universitat Jaume I

    Martí Centelles, Rosa

  10. Committee Member

    Chemical probes for the study of the endogenous cannabionaoid system 2015

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid


  11. Committee Member

    Perfil metabolómico de los preembriones humanos como potencial marcador no invasivo de aneuploidías 2013

    Universitat de València

    Sánchez Ribas, Inmaculada

  12. Committee Member

    Comparación de dos campos quirúrgicos en cirugía Ortopédica. Ensayo de campo 2013

    Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

    Martínez Martín, Javier

  13. Committee Member

    Diseño, Síntesis y Evaluación Farmacológica de Inhibidores de Metaloproteasa de la Matriz tipo 2 (MMP-2) 2011

    Universidad CEU San Pablo


  14. Secretary of the Committee

    The neural network approach to parton distributions 2005

    Universitat de Barcelona