Zuzendutako tesiak (53) Saileko kideek zuzendutako tesiak Ikusi defendatutako tesiak


  1. Decoding algorithms for quantum error correcting codes

    de Martí Olius, Antonio

    Tesiaren zuzendaria Pedro Crespo Bofill y Josu Etxezarreta Martinez
  2. Reconstruction and analysis of gut microbiota metabolic networks in the context of personalized nutrition

    Blasco Aramburu, Telmo

    Tesiaren zuzendaria Francisco Javier Planes Pedreño


  1. Enzyme promiscuity approaches to predict metabolic pathways in the human gut microbiota

    Balzerani, Francesco

    Tesiaren zuzendaria Francisco Javier Planes Pedreño
  2. Interpretable precision medicine for acute myeloid leukemia

    Gimeno-Combarro, Marian

    Tesiaren zuzendaria Ángel Rubio Díaz-Cordoves
  3. Mechanical and morphological modulation of electrospun polymeric scaffolds for tissue engineering applications

    Bikuna-Izagirre, María

    Tesiaren zuzendaria Jacobo Paredes Puente y Javier Aldazábal Mensa


  1. Decoherence and quantum error correction for quantum computing and communications

    Etxezarreta-Martínez, J.

    Tesiaren zuzendaria Pedro Crespo Bofill
  2. Development framework for a racing-oriented torque vectoring algorithm and controller proposal

    Medina Murua, Andoni

    Tesiaren zuzendaria Ángel Rubio Díaz-Cordoves
  3. Error correction for reliable quantum computing

    Fuentes-Ugartemendia, P.

    Tesiaren zuzendaria Pedro Crespo Bofill
  4. In vitro human skeletal muscle platforms for the evaluation of functional outcomes


    Tesiaren zuzendaria Jacobo Paredes Puente
  5. Novel systems biology tools for the identification of biomarkers and drug targets in cancer research

    Valcárcel-García, Luis Vitores

    Tesiaren zuzendaria Francisco Javier Planes Pedreño y Xabier Aguirre Ena
  6. Statistical, functional, upstream, and downstream analysis of Alternative Splicing

    Ferrer-Bonsom, J. Á.

    Tesiaren zuzendaria Ángel Rubio Díaz-Cordoves
  7. Study of the causes of congenital disease through bioinformatics and cheminformatics approaches


    Tesiaren zuzendaria Francisco Javier Planes Pedreño
  8. Synergistic effect of novel HDAC inhibitors with chemotherapy drugs in acute myeloid leukemia

    Gimenez Camino, Naroa

    Tesiaren zuzendaria Xabier Aguirre Ena y Francisco Javier Planes Pedreño


  1. Rate compatible joint source-channel coding for point-to-point and multiple access channels

    Granada Echeverria, Imanol

    Tesiaren zuzendaria Pedro Crespo Bofill y Xabier Insausti Sarasola


  1. Computational analysis of alternative splicing: a novel algorithm to predict context-specific splicing factors and a statistical web application for precisión medicine in cancer

    Carazo Melo, Fernando José

    Tesiaren zuzendaria Ángel Rubio Díaz-Cordoves y Francisco Javier Planes Pedreño
  2. Diseño y desarrollo de dispositivo de dosimetría de voz

    Llorente Ortega, Marcos

    Tesiaren zuzendaria Secundino Fernández González y Adam Podhorski
  3. Novel constraint-based modeling approaches for the identification of metabolic drug targets in cancer

    Apaolaza Emparanza, Iñigo

    Tesiaren zuzendaria Francisco Javier Planes Pedreño


  1. Development of spoilage yeasts detection biodevices by means of impedance spectroscopy analysis for alcoholic beverage industry

    Tubia Antillera, Imanol

    Tesiaren zuzendaria Eva Pérez Lorenzo y Jacobo Paredes Puente