Diet- and sex-related changes of gut microbiota composition and functional profiles after 4 months of weight loss intervention

  1. Cuevas-Sierra, A.
  2. Romo-Hualde, A.
  3. Aranaz, P.
  4. Goni, L.
  5. Cuervo, M.
  6. Martínez, J.A.
  7. Milagro, F.I.
  8. Riezu-Boj, J.I.
European Journal of Nutrition

ISSN: 1436-6215 1436-6207

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 60

Issue: 6

Pages: 3279-3301

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1007/S00394-021-02508-0 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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